What is a School Community Council?
A School Community Council is an advisory committee that connects the school and the community. The SCC is a major part of the overall decision-making structure at each school. The council consists of parents and teachers who are elected by their peers to represent the members of the school community and the principal of the school. Some of the decisions that the SCC helps to make are:
Develop a school improvement plan
Develop a School LAND Trust Plan
Participate in the development and implementation of a school-level professional development plan
Develop a safe walking plan
Advise the school administration on local school issues
Provide an opportunity for issues of concern in the community to be presented to the school and district administration
Review school assessment data
Community Council members serve a two-year term, during which they are asked to attend each Community Council meeting. (Normally there are 7 meetings throughout the school year.)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Robin Allred our SCC Chair [email protected].
You can find the meeting agendas below. Please contact our SCC Chair if you have an item you would like discussed at the next SCC meeting.